Thursday, October 14, 2010


[Note: Will write a summary of progress from start - finish a little later on].

I am dealing with a spiritual reconstruction that runs concurrently alongside the spatial reconstruction of the site into an International Spiritual Centre under the administration of the VIZE foundation. Exploring a societal condition where we are continuously exposed to reproduced/appropriated imagery, through media, to a point where history becomes so blatantly debate-able and manipulated that is loses it's relevancy. I am proposing that we must turn this back to the individual - if we can't interrogate our own pasts or bear to investigate or understand our own intentions, how could we ever have possibly built a society on the grounds of numerical summations from surveys of masses of 'others'.

For my final presentation of this work,  I performed an 'extraction' (extraction blog) in a space dressed as the 'cavity space' (third image down), people were to come into this space and talk with me about what I was doing/ what I was thinking about. This ran concurrently with manipulated video projection set in an image of the 'manipulation space' (below) in an adjacent room. There, a shelf of objects extended this projected image into the space of the participants. Participants were each given a set of photos (below), that were ordered as a progression through the space at St Anna's. The work was intended to liken to a re-enactment of a performance/performance space already encountered by the photographer, in Prague.  The original sketches of these final images were taped to a light box in the projection space also.  Participants were free to roam between the spaces to experience these different moments.

This performance was documented through video and will be edited later on. 

The following images were printed as 6x 4 inch gloss photographs and ordered as are here, the envelope read: 
"Prague 2010, Selective Interrogation, A RE-ENACTMENT"

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