Friday, September 10, 2010

E x t r a c t i o n L i v e

To clear up what I mean when I talk of history as ludicrous, I am not discounting past events or the actions of others when those actions are used to further/ enhance thought/ creation now in response. I hold a furiosity towards a history that is taken as fact. The dilemma of a world built on these facts. A dilemma that limits us as all the presumed materials and constructs of any possible creation have already been set,  and there is a limited supply. This history, is in the form of statistics, legal motions resulting in a prevention of past events, the notion of prevention in itself. ....

We are stuck in circles of repetition, because we live in a society that raises us in cycles, with the proposition that our offspring will repeat this cyclical pattern in more of less the same fashion. We have become passive entities in a system that feeds on these cycles to survive. 

You are more than the limits of language that separate others from a true understanding of you, and so too are others. To understand ourselves, our own history, and it's relevance today, we need to start with ourselves. If we cannot understand our own pasts, how is it that we ever believed we understood the histories of others as fact?  

There needs to be an act of creation and an act of self interrogation, to begin to comprehend what we are. 

Experiments: Externalising memories in physical form - constructing a new entity purely from own experience and memory, interrogating and relating to this entity. Talking to my self.  To resolve. 

As creator/mother, as pathologist/detective, healer and healed.

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