Saturday, August 28, 2010


Bordering between fiction and reality. 

Images from Signa Sorenson's 57Beds.  
[sourced from] 

False realities collide with emerging coincidences and consequent realities. Performers in Sorenson's works play out fictional roles, confronting a free-roaming 'audience' with immersive individual experiences through an exploration of the space.

I see these performance works as the nearest physical manifestation of  writings and 'theory' by Echkart Tolle, who asks us to shift above consciousness into awareness. This space of silence becomes a full acceptance of and harmony with our conscious actions and above, still, sub-conscious thought. We become watchers of our 'selves'. We become nothing and everything simultaneously. 

Because Signa Sorenson's work acts in full acceptance of an altered reality yet welcomes or more so, integrates, reality as key, it allows us to question existence, history, and ultimately any event not personally experienced, as potentially an absolute fraud... an unexplainable nonsense.

And in this, I find sense.  

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